Jessica Barksdale (2015) Fiction: “If Happiness Were Sky,” Creature of Habitat, Winter 2015; “This Ain’t No Party,” Pithead Chapel, Fall 2015. Poetry: “Spam Haiku,” The Doctor TJ Eckleburg Review, January 7, 2015.
Chelsey Clammer (2016) Book: BodyHome, Hopewell Publications, March 2015. Essay: “Body of Work,” Essay Daily, March 2015; “Swerve,” Crack the Spine, March 2015; “I Could Title this Wavering,” Labletter, March 2015; “Hearted Skies,” Hamilton Stone Review, March 2015; “The Guide to Kissing Like a Butterfly,” Eunoia Review, March 2015; “Inflexible,” If and Only If, February 2015; “A Striking Resemblance,” Water~Stone Review, Volume 17, December 2014. Poem: “Attempt,” One Throne, Winter 2014. Hybrid: “Dear You,” Atticus Review, February 2015; “Bi the Book,” The Drunken Odyssey, Winter 2014; “The TNB Selfie Interview,” The Nervous Breakdown, March 2015. Craft: “Sound It Out: Thoughts on Editing and Listening,” The Review Review, February 2015; “A Call to Get Organized,” The Review Review, February 2015; “Top 5 Questions to Bring Out an Editor’s Sassy Side,” The Review Review, January 2015. Review: “Review of The Collagist,” The Review Review, January 2015; “Review of House of Coates,” Electric Lit, January 2015. Interviews: all in The Doctor TJ Eckleburg Review: Annelyse Gelman, February 2015; Rikki Ducornet, February 2015; Allison Adelle Hedge Coke, January, 2015; Richard Gold, December 2014; Brad Zellar, December 2014.
Bernard Grant (2016) Flash Fiction: “Capitol Lake” and “Night Terrors,” Emerge Literary Journal, December 2014; “Old Folks,” Apogee/Perigee, December 2014. Flash Nonfiction: “Repeated Cycle,” Barely South Review, Fall 2014; “Bereaved,” Hippocampus, January 2015. Essays: “Don’t Assume I Know What I’m Saying,” The Nervous Breakdown, October 2014; “Driven, After You,” The Doctor TJ Eckleburg Review, October, 2014. Other: Selfie Interview, The Doctor TJ Eckleburg Review, January 2015.
Cate Hennessey (2016) Essay: “Notes From the Holiday Kitchen,” Cecil Whig, November 27, 2014; “The Book and the Rifle,” The Dr. T.J. Eckleburg Review, January 2015; “Dance, Poem, Dance,” The Dr. T.J. Eckleburg Review, February 25, 2015; “Car, Snow, Glass,” The Dr. T.J. Eckleburg Review, March 6, 2015.
Alicia Hoffman (2015) Poetry: “Fair Game,” The Lake, January 2015; “Fugue” and “What To Do Upon Arrival,” Scissors and Spackle, February 2015.
John Milkereit (2016) Poetry: “Fathers,” San Pedro River Review, Spring 2015. Book: A Rotating Equipment Engineer is Never Finished, Ink Brush Press, Spring 2015.
Sarah Pape (2017) Poetry: “Stranger Unnumbered,” The Pinch, Spring 2015, Issue 35.1; “Foul Hook,” Crab Orchard Review, Vol. 20.1. Essay: “He Did,” Winner of the Harpur Palate Award for Creative Nonfiction, Issue 14.2.
Warren Read (2015) Fiction: “Somewhere in That Space,” Mud Season Review, Issue 4, December 2014; accompanying interview.
Tammy Robacker (2016) Poetry: “Bric-a-Brac,” The Riveter Review, February 2015; “Proud Flesh,” So to Speak Journal, Spring 2015; “Unwash Me in Front of My Grandfather,” Duende, Spring 2015; “A Brief Case,” “Dear Mother,” “Elegy at Randy’s Pawn,” “R,” and “Phonetics,” Cascadia Review, Fall 2015.
Molly Spencer (2017) Poetry: “Leaving Mayo Clinic,” Water~Stone Review, October 2014; “Aubade with Book and Angel,” Mid-American Review, January 2015; “On a Drive Through the Country, My Daughter Asks…,” saltfront, February 2015.
Tom Cantwell (2014) Fiction: “Waves,” Cirque, Winter 2014. Interview: Author Ann Pancake, North West Book Lovers, February 2015.
Jennie Goode (2014) Essays: “Rainier Valley Notebook,” Water~Stone Review, Volume 17; “Dream House,” Slag Glass City, December 2014.
Ela Harrison (2014) Poetry: “Bird’s Bridge” and “Lithium,” New England Review, 35.4, 2015.
Erin Coughlin Hollowell (2009) Poetry: “Backward as well as Forward Sluing,” Prairie Schooner, Volume 89 Number 1, Spring 2015.
Ann Batchelor Hursey (2012) Poetry: A Certain Hold, Finishing Line Press.
Jean A. Kingsley (McDonough) (2008) Review: “Through the Glass by Shannon Moroney,” Antioch Review, Winter 2015.
Lita Kurth (2009) Essay: “Momnipotence,” Brain, Child, Winter 2014. Flash Fiction: “Dallying with Dodecapus,” DNA, October 2014; “Lost,” DNA, February 2015.
Linda Martin (2011) Poetry: I Follow in the Dust She Raises, University of Alaska Press, March 2015.
Buzz Mauro (2008) Fiction: “Anton Chekhov,” Lockjaw Magazine, Volume 1, 2015.
Anne McDuffie (2007) Review: “MOTHERs by Rachel Zucker,” Colorado Review Online, December 2014.
Kay Mullen (2007) Poetry: “With Intention,” Valparaiso Poetry Review, Spring 2015.
Rebecca Saxton (2012) Essays: (under pen name “Rebecca Mabanglo-Mayor”) “Gift of Plums,” Beyond Lumpia, Pansit, and Seven Manangs Wild: An Anthology, 2014; “Falling from the Sky,” Kuwento: Lost Things: An Anthology of New Philippine Myths, 2015; “Kapwa Tao,” {m}aganda magazine, Spring 2014. Book Review: “Craig Santos Perez,” From Unincorporated Territory [Guma], poems,” Raven Chronicles, Iss. 20, 2014
Gretchen Stahlman (2011) Essay: “Into the Woods,” Marathon & Beyond, Volume 19, Issue 2, March/April 2015.
Kristy Webster (2009) Poetry: “Some Thoughts About Why You Left” and “Sweet Tooth,” Lunch Ticket’s Amouse-Bouche, February 2015.
Rick Barot, Poetry: “Cascades 501,” Academy of American Poets Poem-a-Day, January 2015.
Gary Ferguson, Nonfiction: The Carry Home, Counterpoint Press, November 2014.
Dinah Lenney, Essay: “Dinah Lenney, to Judith Kitchen,” Essay Daily, December 2014.
Ann Pancake, Fiction: “In Such Light,” The Harvard Review, Fall 2014. Book: Me and My Daddy Listen to Bob Marley, Counterpoint Press, February 2015.
Marjorie Sandor, Fiction: The Uncanny Reader: Stories from the Shadows, St. Martins Press, February 2015.
Peggy Shumaker, Poetry: “Though We Cannot See Him, We Think of Him,” Prairie Schooner, Winter 2014. Poetry Video: “Stop Bath,” mini video here. Poetry/Mixed Genre: “Button Jar,” Zocalo, Feb. 2015. Poetry: “Gregueria,” burned into strands of a sculpture titled “Three Vessels” by Vivian Visser. (This collaboration was part of the Poetic Dialogues project, which had its opening on February 6, 2015 in Chicago. Part of the exhibit will be hung in Minneapolis at AWP. View the sculpture here.)