


Jill McCabe Johnson (2008) announces that applications are open until May 31st for the 2016 Artsmith Artist Residency on Orcas Island. This year the residency, which began as part of an RWW outside experience, expands from one week to up to four weeks during January 2016. Applications are also open until July 31 for Artsmith’s new Travel & Culture Writer residency in Laredo, Texas, December 3-6, 2015. The three-day intensive immerses writers in the rich culture of this Spanish-colonial heritage city. Also suitable for nature and environmental writers. For more information and application guidelines for both residencies, go here. Or email Jill McCabe Johnson at [email protected].

Christina Collins (2010) announces that the new literary journal, LockJaw Magazine, is now live and accepting submissions.


Rick Barot is thrilled to announce the launch of Post-MFA Mentorships now being offered to alumni. Information can be found here. This year, ten faculty members have agreed to be considered for these mentorships: Fleda Brown, David Cates, Kevin Clark, Greg Glazner, Adrianne Harun, David Huddle, Brenda Miller, Scott Nadelson, Peggy Shumaker, and Rick Barot.  If you are completing a manuscript that might benefit from the incisive help of any of these faculty members, this is your chance.  As noted on the website, each mentorship lasts for six months and can begin at any time of your choosing.  Each year, a new roster of faculty will be available for the mentorships.

For more information write [email protected]

Brenda Miller will be teaching at the “Into the Fire: The Sun Celebrates Personal Writing” retreat at the Esalen Institute, Big Sur, California, October 16—October 18, 2015. She notes that The Sun literary journal is offering two full scholarships to writers who would benefit from this retreat, but are unable to afford it. The application deadline is August 1. Details and the scholarship application form are available here.

Peggy Shumaker writes: “Please consider joining me and Adrianne Harun (Faculty) and a bunch of other fine folks at the Kachemak Bay Writers’ Conference in June. Andre Dubus III is the keynote speaker this year. Scholarships and travel assistance are available.” If anyone is interested in attending (as part of your OE), please contact Peggy Shumaker at [email protected].  


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