Summer 2022

Frances Howard-Snyder’s (2022) short story, “Face to Face,” and her short story collection, Through a Glass Darkly, are finalists in the Chanticleer International Book Award in the categories of short stories and short story collections.
Aldric Ulep's (2022) poem, “How to Agkayas,” was nominated by Beloit Poetry Journal for Best New Poets 2022.
Angela Allen’s (2014) review of the Pulitzer-winning opera Central Park Five at the Portland Opera was published in Oregon Artswatch at the end of March. This spring, she published reviews in the Oregon Artswatch of a Chamber Music Northwest concert, a performance by the wind quintet Imani Winds, Fear No Music’s concert of music by Asian and Asian-American composers, and new music by composer David Schiff. In addition, her profile of David Schiff appeared in Classical Voice North America and a review of a spoken-word performance by Phil Darius Wallace also appeared in Classical Voice North America.
Nancy Canyon's (2007) novel Celia's Heaven has been successfully submitted to the Washington Author Project. Canyon has also been paired with Whatcom Land Trust as poet for Todd Creek by Writing the Land, a project of NatureCulture.
Bernard Grant's (2013) novel-in-stories manuscript, All Hours, was a finalist for the 2021 Nilsen Prize for a First Novel by Southeast Missouri State University Press.
Jill McCabe Johnson (2008) participated in the AWP panel “The Edited Voice: The Challenge of Maintaining a Writer’s Distinct Voice,” with RWW alumna and former faculty member Holly J. Hughes, plus Elizabeth Dodd, Nancy Lord, and Juan Morales. Jill also read for St. Ōde Press at the Orcas Island Lit Fest Lit Walk.
Lita Kurth (2009) has a spoof mystery, “Lydia Rotini Hernandez-Nguyen, Specialist in Tiny Crimes,” featured on the San José Story Map. She received a prize in the Story Map contest and participated in the awards ceremony in April.
Robin Farrar Maass (2012) released an audiobook by OrangeSky Audio of her new novel The Walled Garden. She’s also done radio interviews, an interview with the Authors’ Show podcast, and an IGTV Live interview on Berit Talks.
Tammy Robacker (2016) accepted a new professional writing position, Sales and Marketing Content Manager, at PresenceLearning—a teletherapy company where live, online special education related services are available to K-12 students.