Summer 2022

Amy Cook (2025) Nonfiction: "Camp," NonBinary Review, Zoetic Press, Issue 28, June 1, 2022.
Mike Gosalia (2022) Nonfiction: "The Invisible Kingdom: Reimagining Chronic Illness,” Réapparition Journal, June 2022.
Frances Howard-Snyder (2022) Fiction: “Secret Ingredient,” Pigeon Review, April 14, 2022.
Rachel Sandell (2022) Fiction: "Spectacle," Leading Edge Magazine, Issue 80, April 2022.
Dawn Terpstra (2025) Poetry: “To the Occupant Apt. 23 Sunshine Manor,” The Briar Cliff Review, Vol. 34, 2022; “Ode to Delphinium,” MER Mom Egg Review, Vol. 20, 2022.
Jenny Apostol (2020) Nonfiction: “A Fig to Remember,” Sweet Lit, Issue 14.3, May 2022.
Nancy Canyon (2007) Fiction: “My Unlearning I & II” and “When Asked: Do You Believe in God?” Take The Fruit, Flood The Desert: An Anthology Of Religious Trauma, 2022; "Our Lady of the Sweet Shop," Corridor Zine, edited by Shannon P. Laws, Spring 2022.
Hannah Comerford (2019) Creative Nonfiction: “Desperate for Heaven,” Ekstasis, March Collection, March 2022. Poetry: "A voice was heard in Ramah," Fathom, Sympathy Issue.
Shawna Ervin (2021) Poetry: “B,” Concho River Review, May 2022; “Truth Spins, Motherhood, Illusion of Us,” Synkroniciti, June 2022.
Jeb Harrison (2015) Fiction: Chasing Byron, A Novel, Baby Bingus Books, April 2022.
Alicia Hoffman (2015) Poetry: “Grace Note,” Rock Paper Poem, Spring 2022.
Katie Humphries (2021) Fiction: “Diana, Goddess of . . .,” Grande Dame Literary Journal, May 26, 2022.
Jill McCabe Johnson (2008) Fiction: “Abscission,” The Brooklyn Review, Spring 2022. Flash Nonfiction: “Of What May Come,” Gulf Stream, Issue #30. Poetry: “Ars Poetica,” Cultural Daily’s Poets on Craft series.
Jill Kandel (2009) Memoir: The Clean Daughter: A Cross-Continental Memoir, NDSU Press, April 2022.
Robin Farrar Maass (2012) Fiction: The Walled Garden, SparkPress, May 2022.
Linda MacKillop (2015) Fiction: The Forgotten Life of Eva Gordon, Kregel Publications, May 2022.
John Milkereit (2016) Flash Fiction: "My Grandmother's Backyard," Equinox Journal, Issue 2, March 2022. Poetry: “I Will Sing to My Newborn,” “Coming Coming Closer to My Unvaccinated Lover,” and “Tankas,” The Ekphrastic Review, April and May 2022.
Preeti Parikh (2021) Poetry: "The Migrant's Origin Song," Yearbook of Indian Poetry in English 2021, Hawakal Publishers, June 2022.
Ann Quinn (2018) Poetry: “Two Photographs,” Broadkill Review, March 2022.
Hilary Schaper (2008) Essay: “Shaping,” The Coachella Review, Summer 2022.
Molly Spencer (2017) Essay: "'A privilege, that conversation': On the Overheard in Kyrie," West Branch, Spring/Summer 2022 Issue, No. 99.
Rick Barot, Poetry: "Of Errands," New York Times Magazine, May 1, 2022.
Jennifer Elise Foerster, Poetry: The Maybe-Bird, The Song Cave, June 2022.