Summer 2021


In the In-between Times: A Look Back at the 2020–2021 Flash Classes

Hannah Comerford, OE Coordinator (Class of 2019)

In the In-between Times:
A Look Back at the 2020–2021 Flash Classes


Hannah Comerford
OE Coordinator
Class of 2019

This year was hard. Even if you’re an introvert, you probably felt some loneliness as the world shut down to curb the spread of COVID-19.

Our work as writers is, by nature, often solitary, and even without the pandemic, we usually spend a year between happy reunions with our RWW family alone with our writing. We needed to find new ways to connect, and RWW’s flash classes were a creative new way to do so.

I looked forward to hosting these Zoom classes every month. They gave us all the opportunity to catch up with RWW participants and faculty, get to know incoming and prospective students, enjoy watching others’ lightbulb moments during discussion, and focus on honing our writing skills. I want to give special thanks to Rebecca McClanahan, Kent Meyers, Suzanne Berne, Kevin Clark, Jenny Johnson, Scott Nadelson, Geoffrey Davis, and Brenda Miller for making these classes possible.

Now, as we eagerly await the start of the Summer 2021 residency, let’s take a peek at last year’s classes and look forward to the future flash classes that will keep us connected in the in-between times:

Flash Classes