Summer 2020

Jenny Apostol (2020) Poetry: “Cardinal,” Haibun Today, Vol. 13 No. 4. Hybrid: “The Route of My Escape,” Blood Tree Literature, Issue 07: Chimera, June 2020.
Shawna Ervin (2021) Poetry: “En Español,” The Phoenix, Spring 2020; “F” and “Father,” The Blue Nib, Spring 2020. Nonfiction: “In Any Language,” COG, Spring 2020.
Bonnie Lini Markowski (2023) Poetry: “Strega,” Pennsylvania Bards, Northeast Poetry Review, April 2020.
Angela Allen (2014) Nonfiction: “Food and Art, Art and Food,” Oregon Arts Watch, May 2020.
Ann Bodle-Nash (2018) Creative Nonfiction: “Love Refugees,” Shark Reef Literary Journal, Summer 2020.
Nancy Canyon (2007) Fiction: “Holy Spirit Delivers,” WHERE TALES GRIP Anthology, Scribes Valley, June 2020; “Scarlet Velvet,” Dress Poetry, Allied Arts of Bellingham, June 2020.
Bill Capossere (2010) Essay: “New Blues,” Eclectica Magazine, Spring 2020; “Because I Would Not Write the Moon for You but for Me,” Contrary Magazine, Spring 2020. Flash Fiction: “Three Museum Stories,” OPEN: Journal of Arts & Letters, June 2020.
Mandy Nadyne Clark (2012) Flash Fiction: “Reward,” Third Point Press, May 2020.
Bernard Grant (2016) Fiction: “The Caregiver,” CRAFT, January 2020; “Well,” Third Coast, Issue 48, May 2020.
Alicia Hoffman (2015) Poetry: “Sempre Forte,” The Shore, Spring 2020; “Industry Is All Around Us,” Escape into Life, Spring 2020; “All Systems Go,” Journal Nine, Summer 2020.
Michael Hunter (2017) Poetry: “My City,” Grit City Magazine, June 2020; “Sweet Susan,” Night Picnic, Vol. 3, Issue 2, June 2020.
Adrian Gibbons Koesters (2007) Fiction: Miraculous Medal, Apprentice House Press, May 2020.
Julie Leung (2015) Creative Nonfiction: “The Kingdom of Plastics,” Salish Magazine, Issue 7, Spring 2020.
Paula MacKay (2015) Nonfiction: “A Tale of Three Weasels,” Rewilding Earth: Best of 2019, Essex Editions, Spring 2020; “Sea of Hope,” Wild Hope, Vol. 8, Spring/Summer 2020.
John Milkereit (2016) Poetry: “For the Best Outcome,” “Desire at No. 13, Calle Flor Baja,” “American Sonnet for My Cat,” “I Will Hold,” The Ekphrastic Review, March, April, May 2020; “What Comes Next,” di-verse city 2020, April 2020.
Laura Petersen (2016) Fiction: “Tin Man,” Fleas on the Dog, May 2020; “Sweet Susan,” Night Picnic, Vol. 3, Issue 2, June 2020.
Ann Quinn (2018) Poetry: “On Learning of Your Diagnosis,” ”Ode to Weeds,” Poet Lore, Vol. 115, Issue 1/2, Spring/Summer 2020.
Lois Rosen (2010) Poetry: “My parents used to say,” Calyx, Vol. 31 No. 3, Winter/Spring 2020.
Hilary Schaper (2002) Essay: “Round and Round,” The Los Angeles Review, February 2020.
Tina Schumann (2009) Poetry: “That’s Life,” “Sunlight Café,” The Galway Review, April 2020; “Another Sunday,” Verse Daily, April 2020; “Why I Read the Obits,” “Restoration,” “November,” The Main Street Rag, Spring 2020; “Dear Morning Commuters,” Rattle, Summer 2020; “Mid-Air” Minerva Rising, Issue 18, Spring 2020.
Bucket Siler (2016) Fiction: “The Santa Fe, New Mexico Chapter of the Sad Boys’ Club of America,” Atticus Review, March 2020.
Molly Spencer (2017) Criticism: “A Light Goes On in Me: The Poetry of Laura Jensen,” Writer’s Chronicle, April/May 2020 (collaboration with Marianne Boruch, Sharon Bryan, Joy Manesiotis, and Kevin Prufer).
Joannie Stangeland (2019) Poetry: “Garden House,” Cumberland River Review, Issue 9-2, April 2020; “The Guest,” Feral, Issue 2, June 2020; “Parcel,” New England Review, Vol. 41, No. 2, June 2020.
Jennifer Foerster, Poetry: “Bamewawagezhikaquay: Jane Johnston Schoolcraft’s Postpastoral Poetics,” Ecotone, No. 28. March 2020.
Rebecca McClanahan, Essay: “If and When,” River Teeth Journal, Vol. 21.2, June 2020; “You Look Tired,” Zone 3, Spring 2020; “First Things Last,” Waccamaw Journal, Spring 2020. Interview: “Interview with Jennifer Anderson,” Talking River Review, Spring/Summer 2020. Craft essay: “Loving Our Work and Letting it Go,” Qu Magazine, Spring 2020.
Brenda Miller, Essay: “The Closet,” The Journal, Spring 2020; “Sandwiches,” The Rappahannock Review, Issue 7.2, May 2020 (in collaboration with Julie Marie Wade); “Notes From Isolation,” Green Mountains Review, April 2020 (in collaboration with Julie Marie Wade). Interview: “Sandwiches: Contributor Spotlight,” The Rappahannock Review, May 2020 (in collaboration with Julie Marie Wade); “Collaboration in the Time of Covid-19,” Brevity, April 2020 (in collaboration with Julie Marie Wade).
Marie Mutsuki Mockett, Nonfiction: American Harvest, Graywolf Press, April 2020.
Peggy Shumaker, Poetry: “Distance,” Persimmon Tree, Love in a Time of Corona, No. 3: Poetry, April 2020; “Came a Sickness,” Black Earth Institute, April 2020.
Marjorie Sandor, Novel: The Secret Music at Tordesillas, Hidden River Press, June 15, 2020.
Sejal Shah, Essay Collection: This Is One Way to Dance, University of Georgia Press, June 2020.