Summer 2018

Jasminne Mendez (2019) Poetry: "Run, Irelia, Run," "Return to Water," "Bounty," COG Zine, February 2018. Essay: "Joy & My Writing Tribe," Bird's Thumb, March 6, 2018.
Ann Quinn (2018) Poetry Collection: Final Deployment, Finishing Line Press, March 2018.
Joannie Stangeland (2019) Poetry: "Thursday Morning on the Mainland," Mount Hope, Issue 13, Spring 2018; "Your Rose Meditative," Prairie Schooner, Spring 2018; "Sketch in Purple with Every Dusk a Garden," "How We are Living," The Chaffin Journal, 2018. Poetry Collection: The Scene You See, Ravenna Press, 2018. Review: "Thousands of Silences Fell," review of Mary's Dust by Melinda Mueller, Poetry Northwest, April 6, 2018.
Nancy Canyon (2007) Essays: "The Daily Pond Walk," Nature's Healing Spirit: Real Life Stories to Nurture the Soul, Sowing Creek Press, March 2018; “Haney Memories," Clover, A Literary Rag, Volume 15, June 2018.
Anne Thomas Donaghy (2015) Fiction: Raven, Tell a Story, March 2018.
Sydney Elliott (2015) Interview: "Where Are You From? A Conversation with Tina Schumann" (2009), The Community College Humanities Review, Volume 2, Number 2, Spring 2018.
Bernard Grant (2016) Nonfiction: "Puzzle Pieces," The Literary Review, June 2018.
Katrina Hays (2010) Poetry: “Micro / Cosmos,” “1968,” “The Quarry,” The Longleaf Review, Spring 2018; “Equinox,” “Starfish,” “ad hoc life,” Red Savina Review, Spring 2018. Fiction: "Snakes Can Swim," Flash Fiction Magazine, April 21, 2018.
Alicia Hoffman (2015) Poetry: “Dissimulation with Birds,” Liminality, Issue 15, Spring 2018; “Push,” Parentheses Journal, Issue 3, Spring 2018; “To Those Who May Be Listening,” The CDC Poetry Project, March 2018; "Idioglossia," A-Minor Magazine, Eighth Anniversary Issue, June 2018.
Jill McCabe Johnson (2008) Poetry: "Trumpeters' Sonnet," "For Immediate Release," "Poem in Which I Call Out Other Poets for Painting Abuse as Sexy," Barzakh, Spring 2018.
Jill Kandel (2008) Nonfiction: “Turning,” “Naked I Came,” The Wonder Years: 40 Women over 40 on Aging, Faith, Beauty, and Strength, Kregel Publications, April 24, 2018.
Adrian Koesters (2007) Nonfiction: "Departed," Oakwood Magazine, April 2018; "Just after the Riots," 1966: A Journal of Creative Nonfiction, May 2018.
Julie Leung (2015) Essay: “Haunted Shores,” The Community College Humanities Review, Volume 2, Number 2, Spring 2018.
Paula MacKay (2015) Nonfiction: “The Rocky Road to Wolf Recovery,” Earth Island Journal, March 21, 2018; “Homecoming,” Wild Hope, Volume 5, Spring 2018; “Rewilding Literature: Catalyzing Compassion for Wild Predators through Creative Nonfiction,” Writing for Animals, Ashland Creek Press, August 2018.
Anne McDuffie (2007) Editor: Subjective Geography: A Poet’s Thoughts on Life and Craft, by Madeline DeFrees, Lynx House Press, June 2018.
Carol McMahon (2016) Poetry: "Hawk," "Resident Geese," Poetry: A Wild Word Anthology, The Wild Word, 2018; "Erie Canal: Another Early Morning Row," Mom Egg Review, Volume 16, Mothers Work Mothers Play Special Issue, March 2018; "Profit Margin," Painted Bride Quarterly, Issue 97, Spring 2018.
John Milkereit (2016) Poetry: “Shaken, Not Stirred," The Ocotillo Review, Summer 2018; “Gravy Matters,” Texas Poetry Calendar 2019, Kallisto Gaia Press, July 2018; “Eating Right Because,” “Why Get an Agent,” “Best Bag Ever!” Unlocking the Word: An Anthology of Found Poetry, Lamar University Literary Press, July 2018.
Kay Mullen (2007) Poetry: "As If We'd Walked through Fire Together," SHARK REEF, Issue 32, Spring 2018; "Along Inlet Waters," Appalachia, Spring 2018.
Christine Robbins (2012) Poetry: "In the Pines," Beloit Poetry Journal, Winter 2018; "Name Them," Crab Creek Review, Spring 2018; excerpt from The Rending Sound, The Seattle Review, Volume 10, Numbers 1 and 2, 2018.
Cindy Skaggs (2017) Essay: "Check Yes or No," New Limestone Review, April 1, 2018.
Molly Spencer (2017) Poetry: “Conversation with Shower and Vestibule,” “Conversation with Distance and Shaking,” "Conversation with Windows and Green,” FIELD, Number 98, Spring 2018.
Amy Young (2016) Poetry: “Abstract,” Ghost Fishing: An Eco-Justice Poetry Anthology, University of Georgia Press, April 1, 2018.
Rebecca McClanahan, Poetry: “Teaching a Nephew to Type,” Literature: The Human Experience, Macmillan Learning, September 2018. Essays: “View from the Way Back,” “A Sense of Human,” Victoria, July 2018 and September 2018.