Spring 2022

Keats Chaves (2022) Flash Fiction: “The Tree of Life,” Burningword Literary Journal, Issue 100, October 2021.
Summer A. H. Christiansen (2023) Nonfiction: “How to Fall In Love in 35 Easy Steps,” Silver Rose Magazine, Winter 2022.
Elissa Favero (2024) Book Review: “How It Would Feel To Be Free: Olivia Laing’s Everybody,” The Rumpus, November 2021.
Mike Gosalia (2022) Fiction: “A Dark Horse Madly,” Réapparition Journal, Issue 4, October 2021.
Winston Lin (2023) Creative Nonfiction: "Opera Intensives: A Three Act Essay,” Neon Door, February 14, 2022. Poetry: "Behaviors of Existence," Maya’s Micros, The Closed Eye Open, Batch 026, November 14, 2021.
Natalie Marino (2024) Book Review: Julie Weiss's The Places We Empty, The Rupture, Issue 116, December 3, 2021. Poetry: "Sky Light," "I Realize You Are Gone," "Cousins in a Field," "Acceptance," "Lamentation," "Obscurity," "Anniversary," and "mourning," ucity review, Issue 23, December 2021; "Winter Jar," The Shore, Issue 12, Winter 2021; "Language of Rivers," Variant Literature, Issue 9, Winter 2021; "Dialogues with Grief," Rust and Moth, Spring 2022.
Rachel Sandell (2022) Fiction: “Tower to Foundation,” Night Picnic Press, Volume 5, Issue 1, February 2022.
Aldric Ulep (2022) Poetry: “How to Agkayas,” Beloit Poetry Journal, Volume 71, Issue 2; “Murungai” and “Translations,” Witty Partition, Issue 15.
Nancy Canyon (2007) Fiction: “Early Girls,” 2022 Whatcom Writes Anthology, 2022.
Mandy Nadyne Clark (2012) Flash Nonfiction: “Your Adult Daughter’s Attempt to Rationalize Your Absence in Her Life,” Drunk Monkeys, Issue 7.2, February 2022.
Rick Dakan (2010) Craft Book: Writing Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and Horror For Dummies, For Dummies, February 2022, Co-author Ryan Van Cleave.
Kate Carroll de Gutes (2010) Nonfiction: “Swimming Lessons for the Permeable Fish,” Mountain Bluebird, Volume 2, Issue I. Review: "In Praise of Refusing the Questions," Fourth Genre, Volume 24, Issue 1.
Shawna Ervin (2021) Flash Essay: “Faith at A&W,” The Maine Review, Issue 8.1, Winter 2022.
Katrina Hays (2010) Poetry: “Headwaters,” “Coming to Be,” “Our Creek in Winter,” Home Waters: Stories of the Deschutes River Basin; “Blown In,” Hollins Critic, Volume LVIII, Number 4.
Alicia Hoffman (2015) Poetry: “Object Permanence,” The Night Heron Barks, Fall 2021; “Interstellar Ars Poetica,” SWWIM, Fall 2021; “Plague Years,” Marrow Magazine, Winter 2022.
Mike Hunter (2017) Essay: “The Mall,” Grit City Magazine, Hard Copy 14, December 2021.
Jill Kandel (2009) Poetry: “How Much Do You Weigh?,” Rattle, Print Issue #75, March 1, 2022.
Jill McCabe Johnson (2008) Nonfiction: “Mapfold Meditation,” Defunct, Issue 9, Winter 2022. Poetry: “Thoughts & Prayers” and “Gaslight,” Diode, Volume 14, Number 3.
Jeffrey Mix (2014) Nonfiction: "The Emptying Hourglass," T.H.R.O.B.: The Hawai’i Review of Books, Winter 2022.
Vandana Nair (2021) Fiction: “The Signature,” The Knot Wound Round Your Finger: An Anthology on Memory, History & Inheritance, Bell Press Anthologies, November 20, 2021.
Ann Quinn (2018) Poetry Craft Book: Poetry is Life: Writing with Yellow Arrow, Yellow Arrow Publishing, February 2022.
Joannie Stangeland (2019) Book Review: “Review of Joanna Klink's latest collection, The Nightfields,” Cider Press Review: A Journal of Contemporary Poetry, Volume 23, Issue 5, November 30, 2021. Poetry: "On Prospect Street," Crosswinds Poetry Journal, Volume VII, Fall 2021; “More Than Gold,” “Retriever,” and “The Sign at the Bridge Said Flood Area,” Two Hawks Quarterly, Fall 2021; “When in This Year the Tulip Fields Won’t Open,” The Comstock Review, Fall/Winter 2021.
Kevin Clark, Poetry: The Consecrations, Stephen F. Austin University Press, January 2022.
Geffrey Davis, Poetry: “About It,” The Atlantic, December 26, 2021; “Requiem With Remission,” The Atlantic, January 16, 2022.
Sejal Shah (former faculty member), Interview: “Tracing Literary Lineage,” Creative Nonfiction, Issue 76, Winter 2022. Essay and Illustrated Playlist (with Shebani Rao): “Finding Friendship in Pandemic Collaboration,” Literary Hub, November 2021.