Spring 2021

Kristy Gledhill (2021) was named a finalist in Terrain.org’s 11th Annual Poetry Contest by contest judge Arthur Sze.
Marianne Janack (2021): Book XI, Issue 6: Personal Essay, is now available. Marianne is the chief editor of the journal, and this issue includes an essay by fellow RWW student Frances Howard-Snyder (2022).
Kelli Russell Agodon’s (2007) fourth book of poems, Dialogues with Rising Tides, is now available for presale at Copper Canyon Press. The collection will be published in April 2021.
Nancy Canyon’s (2007) novel, Celia’s Heaven, is now available as an eBook through Amazon.com. Nancy also recently launched a podcast, Canyon Echoes, featuring short-short fiction read by the author.
Bernard Grant’s (2016) short story “The Caregiver” was nominated for a 2020 Pushcart Prize by the literary magazine CRAFT. Also, Bernard and their sibling were interviewed for an episode of Autism Stories, where they talk about writing.
Jeb Harrison’s (2015) master’s creative thesis, The Healing of Howard Brown, published in 2016, was recently awarded a 2020 Firebird Book Award in literary fiction. The Healing of Howard Brown also won the 2017 Independent Press Award for literary fiction.
Cate Hodorowicz (2016) has been promoted to Associate Editor/Acquisitions Manager at the University of North Carolina Press where she acquires literary nonfiction.
Jill Kandel’s (2008) first published poem appeared in Rattle in Fall 2020.
Robin Farrar Maass’s (2012) debut women’s fiction novel, The Walled Garden, has been accepted for publication in Spring 2022 by SparkPress.
Linda MacKillop’s (2015) debut novel, Try Again Farm, has been accepted for publication in 2021 by Kregel Publications.
Gerry McFarland (2011) has a new chapbook, GUNNER, coming in 2021 from Wandering Aengus Press. The collection of story poems describe Gerry’s time in the US Navy as a gunner’s mate on the USS King, 1968–72.
Debbie Clarke Moderow (2013) has been accepted into the art-science-humanities consortium, In A Time of Change: Boreal Forest Stories. The NSF funded program, run through University of Alaska Fairbanks, will culminate in a 2022 transdisciplinary exhibit and book publication.
Ann Quinn (2018) will present the workshop “Artifact as Muse: Using the Things We Share to Bring Prose and Poetry to Life” at the Bay to Ocean Writer’s Conference in March 2021.
Tina Schumann’s (2009) chapbook manuscript Epistolarium. Letters to the Usual Suspects was named a finalist in the 2020 Vella Chapbook Prize by Paper Nautilus, and the 2020 Chapbook Contest by Diode Editions.
Molly Spencer (2017) was interviewed by Risa Denenberg for The Adroit Journal about Molly’s two poetry collections If the House (University of Wisconsin Press, 2019) and Hinge (Southern Illinois University Press, 2020). Molly’s collection, Hinge, was recently reviewed at On the Sea Wall and Ecotheo Review. Molly will teach an online class for poets, “Inspired Notebooking/Notebooks that Inspire,” through the Marin Poetry Center on March 14 and 28, 2021.
Tarn Wilson’s (2008) essay collection In Praise of Inadequate Gifts won a 2021 Wandering Aengus Press Book Award, and will be published on June 1, 2021.
Kevin Clark, as poet laureate for San Luis Obispo County, will be recording monthly fifteen-minute videos of single poems each by three contemporary poets.
Jennifer Foerster’s third collection of poetry, The Maybe-Bird, has been accepted for publication by The Song Cave in 2022.
Peggy Shumaker gave a reading in February with Felicia Zamora and Maurya Simon to benefit Alaska Quarterly Review. The reading is available to watch on YouTube.
Former Faculty
Fleda Brown’s new book of poems, coming out in March, Flying Through a Hole in the Storm, won the Hollis Summers Poetry Prize from Ohio University Press, and a collection of memoir essays, Mortality, with Friends, will be out in September from Wayne State University Press. Fleda also writes a mostly writerly bi-monthly blog, My Wobbly Bicycle; to get on the mailing list, you can email her at [email protected] or [email protected].