Spring 2021

Shawna Ervin (2021) Creative Nonfiction: “Lockdown,” Sweet: A Literary Confection, Issue 13.2, Winter 2020. Poetry: “Three Things,” “Bouquet,” “Labored,” and “Memory,” Synkroniciti, Issue 6, Winter 2020; “Kenyan Fertility Doll,” and an interview in Rappahannock Review, Issue 8.1; “Spit,” The Round, Issue XX, January 2021.
Kristy Gledhill (2021) Poetry: “How Flat?,” “Big Rock,” “Sub-Surface,” and “Home at Hand,” Terrain.org, February 2021.
Winston Lin (2023) Book Review: “The Multiple Deaths of Living: Reading Victoria Chang’s OBIT,” The Lit Pub, November 2020.
David Taylor (2023) Fiction: “Guys Like That,” This Is What America Looks Like, edited by Caroline Bock and Jona Colson, Washington Writers Publishing House, February 2021.
Aldric Ulep (2022) Poetry: “bagi,” Tinfish Press Magazine, Issue 21: Rage + Hope, January 2021.
Kelli Russell Agodon (2007) Poetry: “Act Now,” “If We Had Better Lighting, Our World Would be a Soap Opera,” and “Sunflower, What Have You Gotten Yourself Into,” Aquifer: The Florida Review Online, December 2020; “Some Winters Never End,” “With Your Hands Against My Waist, It’s Hard to Remember All the Times I’ve Failed,” and “Heartrending Waltz with Social Media,” The Rumpus, January 2021.
Ann Bodle-Nash (2018) Creative Nonfiction: “Existing in a Time of Pandemic,” Sharkreef Literary Journal, Winter 2021.
Nancy Canyon (2007) Fiction: “Light Now,” and “Guide to Dissolving Shadow,” Solstice Poems: The Light and the Dark of the Salish Sea, April 2021. Poetry: “Time Slows on Corral Hill,” Poetry Marathon Anthology, Winter 2020.
Bill Capossere (2010) Nonfiction: “Wrong Frequency,” Into the Void, Issue 18, February 2021.
Mandy Clark (2012) Fiction: ”Sunshine State,” Sad Girls Club Lit, February 2021.
Katie Eberhart (2010) Memoir: Cabin 135, A Memoir of Alaska, University of Alaska Press, Alaska Literary Series, December 2020.
Katrina Hays (2010) Poetry: ”Crossing,” Hubbub, Vol. 34, Winter 2020.
Cate Hodorowicz (2016) Nonfiction: “Tracking Foxes,” Indiana Review, Vol. 42, No. 2, Winter 2020.
Alicia Hoffman (2015) Poetry: “No Proper Animal,” and “I Don’t Want To Grow Old and Die,” January Review, Winter 2020; “The Pulse,” and “Synonyms for Emptiness,” Feed Literary Magazine, Issue 1.32, Winter 2020.
Emily Holt (2016) Poetry: “A Book for This,” Hold Open the Door: A Commemorative Anthology from the Ireland Chair of Poetry, edited by Ormsby, et al., University College Dublin Press, Fall 2020.
Jill McCabe Johnson (2008) Poetry: “1,001 Things to Amend Before You Die,” More in Time: A Tribute to Ted Kooser, University of Nebraska, 2021. Prose: “What Ted Likes,” More in Time: A Tribute to Ted Kooser, University of Nebraska, 2021.
Joanna Manning (2007) Nonfiction: “Finding Stillness,” The Other Journal: An Intersection of Theology and Culture, November 2020; “In the Field: Conversations With Our Contributors,” Water~Stone Review, December 2020; “Inheritance,” Unbroken, January 2021.
Buzz Mauro (2008) Fiction: “Nine Goodbyes,” New Orleans Review, Queer Issue, Fall 2020.
Jennifer Neves (2015) Essay Collection: Freedom Farm, North Country Press, February 2021.
Warren Read (2015) Fiction: One Simple Thing, Ig Publishing, January 2021.
Tina Schumann (2009) Poetry: “Nothing Personal,” and “Self-Portrait as Barn Seen from the Freeway,” Coastal Shelf, November 2020; “Letter of Recognition,” FERAL: A Journal of Poetry and Art, Issue 6, February 2021.
Molly Spencer (2017) Nonfiction: ”What to Read When You or Someone You Love Has a Chronic Illness,” The Rumpus, January 15, 2021.
Joannie Stangeland (2019) Poetry: ”The New Math,” Pangyrus, February 2021; “Blues in a Turn of Season,” Hubbub, Vol. 34, 2020, and Verse Daily; “Precipice,” SWWIM Every Day, March 2021.
Nathaniel Youmans (2020) Poetry: “Xenolith,” Permafrost, Issue 42.2, Winter 2020-21.
Kevin Clark, Poetry: “The Calling,” The Chicago Quarterly Review, Vol. 32, 2020. Essay: “The Surprise of the Inevitable in ‘No One Remembers’ and ‘New Season,’” The Long Embrace: Contemporary Poets on the Long Poems of Philip Levine, November 2020; Foreword to World in Costume, poems by Hannah Stein, December 2020.
Jennifer Foerster, Poetry: “From The Maybe-Bird,” Hunger Mountain #25, Art Saves; “From The Maybe-Bird,” The Kenyon Review, Vol. 43, No. 1, Jan/Feb 2021; “From The Maybe-Bird,” Living Nations, Living Words: An Anthology of First Peoples Poetry, W.W. Norton, 2021.
Justin St. Germain, Literary Criticism: Truman Capote’s In Cold Blood, Ig Publishing, Bookmarked Series, March 2021.
Peggy Shumaker, Poetry: “Ted Talk,” More in Time: A Tribute to Ted Kooser, University of Nebraska Press, 2021.