Spring 2020

Angela Dribben’s (2022) first full-length poetry collection, Southern Comfort, has been accepted for publication in 2021 by Airlie Press. Angela has also received an internship from Et Alia Press.
Preeti Parikh (2021) attended the Tin House Winter Workshop for Poetry in January 2020.
Nancy Canyon’s (2007) novel, Celia’s Heaven: a novel, has been accepted for publication in 2020 by Penchant Press. Her short story “Holy Spirit Delivers,” was a finalist in the Scribes Valley Publishing’s Fall 2019 Short Story Contest, and will be published in the press’s forthcoming anthology. Her memoir, Struck: A Memoir, was selected as a semi-finalist in the 2020 Chanticleer Book Reviews’ Journey Book Award.
Bill Capossere (2010) will be reading for the Literary Partners Series at Writers and Books in Rochester, New York, on May 27, 2020. His short play, The Times They Are A’changin’, was performed by Writers and Books in January 2020.
Katie Eberhart’s (2010) book, Cabin 135, A Memoir of Alaska, has been accepted for publication in August 2020 by University of Alaska Press as part of their Alaska Literary Series.
Sydney Elliott (2015) is the recipient of the 2020 Dale P. Parnell Faculty Distinction Award from the American Association of Community Colleges for her work in the classroom and commitment to students.
Kathleen Flenniken’s (2007) third poetry collection, Post Romantic, has been accepted for publication in Fall 2020 by University of Washington Press.
Katrina Hays’s (2010) poem, “Our Creek In Winter,” which originally appeared in The Bellingham Review, will be included in the forthcoming book Home Waters, compiled by the Deschutes River Conservancy, in March 2020.
Lita Kurth (2009) has been helping facilitate a poetry writing group, with The Poet Society, at the Elmwood county jail by providing lesson plans and personal responses to the poets’ writing, creating an encouraging and inclusive community.
Tina Schumann (2009) will be working at the Copper Canyon Press booths (1451–1453) at AWP in San Antonio. Tina’s full collection, Praising the Paradox (Red Hen Press), was the subject of a short film by Rave Jaylo in December 2019. The film features the book cover model, and cover art painted by the filmmaker’s father, Jon Jaylo. Tina’s book Requiem. A Patrimony of Fugues, was the Book of the Week feature on Brooklyn Poet’s The Bridge.
Jen Soriano’s (2018) chapbook, Making the Tongue Dry, was published by the Platform Review Chapbook Series of Arts by the People in January 2020. The first run is sold out, but an ebook and pre-orders for the second run will be available at jensoriano.net. Jen is also facilitating her first-ever creative non-fiction workshop as part of the Working Human Festival sponsored by Velasco Arts and the Seattle Office of Arts & Culture. Jen is currently a 2019–2020 Hugo House Fellow and will participate in the cohort’s mid-year reading at Hugo House on March 25, 2020.
Cameron Walker (2008) won the 2019 Tamaqua Award from Hidden River Arts for her essay collection, Points of Light. Her short story, "Golden Hour" was featured in Prometheus Dreaming last year.
Julianna Water's (2018) story "Methuselah's Daughter" was recently published in Falling Star Magazine, edited by Matt McGee.
Brenda Miller received a 2019 Grants for Artist Projects (GAP) Award from the Washington State Artist Trust.
Peggy Shumaker edits the Alaska Literary Series. New titles include: Water Mask by Monica Devine (essays), Wild Rivers, Wild Rose by Sarah Birdsall (novel), Be-Hooved by Mar Ka (poems), and Armor & Ornament by Christopher Miles (poems). One of the titles currently in press is Cabin 135 by RWW grad Katie Eberhart. Peggy also edits the Boreal Books Series, an imprint of Red Hen Press. New titles include: One Water by Rob McCue (essays), Toward Antarctica by Elizabeth Bradfield (haibun and photographs), Fast into the Night by RWW grad Debbie Moderow (nonfiction), and Every Atom by RWW grad Erin Hollowell (poems).