Spring 2020

Angela Dribben (2022) Poetry: “Squatting in the Sweet Peas,” “The Fawn,” and “I love the smell of cigarettes burning,” Pink Panther Magazine, March 2020; “Imprint,” Crab Creek Review. Essay: “Growing Beyond Reach,” Motherscope, January 2020.
Shawna Ervin (2021) Poetry: Mother Lines, Finishing Line Press, January 2020.
Preeti Parikh (2021) Poetry: “Lessons Ghazal,” Kweli Journal, November 2019; “integument,” Ruminate Magazine, Issue 53: Shelter, December 2019; “Postcard from Saket,” The Hong Kong Review, Vol. II, No.1, January 2020.
Katherine Van Eddy (2021) Poetry: “Still Awake,” Creative Colloquy, Vol. Six, February 2020.
Oscar White (2022) Fiction: “Bleating of a Dying Fawn,” HamLit Journal, Winter Issue: No Man’s Land, January 2020.
Nathaniel Youmans (2020) Poetry: “Silver Lake, 1914,” Washington Poetic Routes, edited by Claudia Castro Luna, December 2019.
Nancy Canyon (2007) Nonfiction: “Garbage Pit & Cabin Fever,” Whatcom Writes Anthology: Discovery, February 2020.
Bill Capossere (2010) Microfiction: “The Last Man on the Moon,” and “Peckish,” MacQueen’s Quinterly, March 2020.
Mandy Nadyne Clark (2012) Poetry: “At the Library (for Grace Paley),” High Shelf Press, January 2020.
Katrina Hays (2010) Poetry: “Old Hunter,” Gray’s Sporting Journal, Vol. 43, Issue 10. Nonfiction: “White Maiden’s Walkway,” Tahoma Literary Review, Issue 16.
Alicia Hoffman (2015) Poetry: “Self-Portrait as Alexa w/ Predictive Text,” and “Self-Portrait as Alexa, as Fugue State,” E-Ratio Poetry Journal, Winter 2020; “The Deep and Secret Yes,” and “Poem Ending With a Line from Emily Dickinson,” Sheila-Na-Gig Online, Winter 2020; “Self-Portrait as Alexa, as Negative Capability,” “Confiteor,” “Wireless,” and “Self-Portrait as Alexa w/ Lower-Case Apocalypse,” Escape Into Life, Winter 2020; “Radio Silence,” “Corpora,” “Coda,” “The House of Teeth and Meat,” and “A Pattern Manifestation, A Search Engine,” in Live Encounters, Vol. 2, Winter 2020.
Emily Holt (2016) Poetry: “Impressionist at the Border,” Pontoon Poetry, Issue 15, 2019; Though the Walls Are Lit, Lost Horse Press, March 2020.
Jean A. Kingsley McDonough (2008) Poetry: Low-water’s Edge, Headmistress Press, January 2020.
Paula MacKay (2015) Nonfiction: “Reversing History on the Upper Missouri,” Deep Wild, Vol. 1, 2019.
John Milkereit (2016) Poetry: “The Eating Season,” The Ocotillo Review, Winter 2019; “At the Charleston Naval Shipyard,” San Pedro River Review, Spring 2020; “The Erotica Inside Me Does Not Quiet,” “I Am Walking,” “Gogol’s Dream During His Pilgrimage of the Holy Land,” “I Have Traveled,” and “I Will Dance,” The Ekphrastic Review, December 2019, January 2020.
Christine Robbins (2012) Poetry: “Repeat,” and “Self-portrait with minor corrosion,” West Branch, Winter 2020.
Lois Rosen (2010) Fiction: “Fish Kaddish,” The Jewish Literary Journal, December 2019; “Before My Second Wedding,” 50-Word Stories, December 2019.
KR Rosman (2014) Poetry: “Distraction,” WLA Journal, December 2019.
Hilary Schaper (2008) Nonfiction: “Friend in Name,” Shark Reef, Winter 2020.
Tina Schumann (2009) Poetry: “Dear Andrew Wyeth,” The Ekphrastic Review, December 2019; “Dear Planners of My Funeral,” and “Dear Bitter Old Women of My Future Self,” Pontoon Poetry, Issue 15, 2019.
Joannie Stangeland (2019) Poetry: “Wind Loads,” and “Passages,” Saranac Review, Issue 15, 2019–2020.
Anita Sullivan (2008) Nonfiction: The Rhythm Of It: Poetry’s Hidden Dance, Shanti Arts Press, November 2019.
Rick Barot, Poetry: The Galleons, Milkweed Editions, February 2020.
Brenda Miller, Creative Nonfiction: “Star of David,” Psaltery & Lyre, December 2019. Poetry: “Erosion,” SWWIM, November 2019.
Peggy Shumaker, Lyrical Nonfiction: “Autopsy,” Sweet: Lit, January 2020. Poetry: “The Rule You Do Not Break,” “The Moon Shines Equally,” and “Between Breakup and Freezeup” Ascent, 2019; “The Apple,” The Inspired Poet: Writing Exercises to Spark New Work, Susan Landgraf, Two Sylvias Press, 2019.