Jessica Barksdale (2015)—Fiction: “The Possibility of Fire,” Carve Magazine, Spring 2013. “Starving,” The Lindenwood Review, March 2013.
Stanislav Fritz (2013)—Nonfiction: “My Method for Marketing Fiction,” Independent Book Publishers Association, May 2013.
Nancy Geyer (2013)—Essay: “Black Plank,” The Georgia Review, Spring 2013.
Ela Harrison (2014)—Poetry: “Say ‘Yes’ To Where You Are,” Cirque, Summer 2013. Interview: In the same issue of Cirque, Ela Harrison interviews Erin Hollowell (2009) about her new collection, Pause, Traveler.
Ned Hayes (2014)—Fiction: Coeur D’Alene Waters, Prospero Book Group, July 2013.
John Milkereit (2016)—Poetry: “Sending You A Poem,” San Pedro River Review, June 2013.
Lauren Plitkins (2015)—Poetry: “Devotional,” Meat for Tea v.7.1, Spring 2013; “When the Mind is Memory,” WRIST magazine, Spring 2013; “What Monster,” Blast Furnace, Spring 2013.
Tammy Robacker (2016)—Poetry: “Holes (II),” WomenArts Quarterly Journal, July 2013. “Regret,” The Comstock Review, Volume 26, 2013.
Karin Rosman (2014)—Fiction: “Three Does and a Buck,” Rio Grande Review, Spring 2013; “What You Might Throw Away,” Raven Chronicles, June 2013.
Amy Young (2016)—Poetry: “Rte. 1—Overpass to Four Mile Run,” District Lines: A P&P Anthology of Original Local Work, Volume 1, Summer 2013.
Cathy Adams (2010)—Fiction: “Daryl and Pete-O Go to Walmart,” Steel Toe Review, June 2013.
Dorothy Barnett (2008)—Memoir: Road Songs: A Memoir of Life on the Road, Yaupon Productions, April 2013. Reading and book-signing at BookWoman, Austin, TX, July 21.
Barry Jean Borich (2009)—Essay: “The Ankle Bone’s Connected to the Memory Bone,” Brevity, May 14, 2013.
Nancy Canyon (2007)—Poetry: “They Say A Wife Always Knows,” “Night Sky,” and “My Brother,” Clover Literary Rag, Summer 2013.
Erin Coughlin Hollowell (2009)—Poetry: “Black Hat,” The Lindenwood Review, March 2013. Poetry: Pause, Traveler, Boreal Books, June 2013.
Ann Batchelor Hursey (2012)—Poetry: “Great Minds at Work,” Floating Bridge Review #6, 2013. Short Takes: “What Ails Thee?”, Persimmon Tree, Summer 2013.
M.J. Iuppa (2006)—Poetry: “Perennial,” Blueline, Spring 2013; “Studying the Sky,” Heron Tree, Summer 2013; “Day’s End,” The Eunoia Review, Spring 2013; ”Spellbound” Big River Review, Spring 2013; “Hit & Run,” Poppy Road Review, Spring 2013. Lyric Essay: “Tell the Truth, Do You Lie,” The Eunoia Review, Spring 2013. Micro Chapbook: How Deeply, They Delve, The Origami Poetry Project. Prose Chapbook: Between Worlds, Foothills Publishing, May 2013 (finalist in the Split Oak Prose Chapbook Contest, 2011).
Jill McCabe Johnson (2008)—Poetry: Diary of the One Swelling Sea, MoonPath Press, an imprint of Concrete Wolf.
Therese Mancevski (2007)—Fiction: “Hermit Crab,” Port Cities Review, Launch Issue, 2013.
Gerry McFarland (2012)—Poetry: “Gunner Covers Up,” “Gunner Falls In Love,” “Monsoon,” and “My Father’s Scar,” Talking River, Winter/Spring 2012-13; “Skipping Stones,” The Far Field, webpage sponsored by Washington State Poet Laureate Kathleen Flenniken (2007), March 1, 2013.
Judith Pulman (2012)—Poetry: “The Catch” and “Where Have the Parents Gone?” Two Hawks, Spring 2013. Translation: “The Butterfly,” Ezra: an Online Journal of Translation, Volume 7, Number 2, Spring 2013.
Rebecca Saxton (2012)—Essay: “Hot Oil, Monsoon Rains,” Conversations Across Borders, April 2013.
Anita Sullivan (2008)—Essay (series): “Language Can Be Heftier Than You Think,” VoiceCatcher, May, June, July, August 2013.
Justin Wadland (2011)—Interview: With Rebecca McClanahan, Rain Taxi Review of Books, Summer 2013 print issue.
Cameron Walker (2008)—Fiction: “The Coat,” District, April 2013; Essay: “Points of Light,” in California Prose Directory: New Writing From the Golden State.
Kristy Webster (2009)—Poetry: “The Bee Trap” and “Different Pages,” The Feminist Wire, June 2013; Fiction: “The Need,” Pacifica Literary Review, Issue #1.
Tarn Wilson (2008)—Essay: “My Perfect Little Life,” Drafthorse. Winter, 2013; “Practical Tips for a Magical Life,” Tiferet, May 2013; “On Spinning and Writing: In Defense of MFA Programs,” Brevity blog, May, 13, 2013 [reprinted in this issue of Soundings].
Judith Kitchen—Essay: “The Circus Train,” The Georgia Review, Summer, 2013.
Dinah Lenney—Essay: “Green Earrings,” The Southampton Review, Summer 2013.
Rebecca McClanahan—Essay: “Adopt A Bench,” The Sun, March 2013.
Brenda Miller—Essay: “Be More,” The Sun, June 2013.
Scott Nadelson—Essay: “A Warm Breath,” Ploughshares Solo, download from Amazon or at Ploughshares Solos.
Lia Purpura—Poetry: “Beginning,” New Yorker, April 29, 2013. Essay: “Brief Treatise Against Irony,” Agni Magazine, #77, Spring 2013.
Peggy Shumaker—Poetry: “Shapeshifters,” “The Poems You Cannot Write Right Now,” “Placing Our Feet With Care on This Earth,” and “The Basics,” Bosque, 2013; “Spirit of the Bat,” American Life in Poetry; “Protections” and “Some Say,” Turtle Island Poetry Review. Nonfiction: “Odd Jobs,” Drunken Boat.
Stan Sanvel Rubin—Poetry: “Meteorology,” Pacific Review, June 2013.