A warm summer welcome to all new and returning Rainier Writing Workshop participants, faculty and extended alumni community!
First, an appreciative nod to Monique Avakian, our outgoing Assistant Editor, who helped us enormously over the last nine months. Sadly, Monique is leaving the RWW community to handle some family health issues and we will certainly miss her. Until a new editor comes aboard, I’ll remain as editor for another year, sharing editorial duties with the founder of Soundings and RWW program assistant Katrina Hays (2010).
Drawing our 2011-12 series on place (tangible and otherwise) to a fascinating close, we offer our readers the sharp insights of fiction writer, Adrianne Harun, who recounts her exploration of architectural principles and their possible applications to story structure. Adrianne leads us down the corridors and stairways of function to see beyond form to the new insights possible only through Inhabitation of our developing story houses. May our cover photo provide you a visual path into your current work, through a mysterious doorway (photographed by Francis Benjamin Johnston).
As the ebook market expands, many of us have had to consider ebook publishers versus self-publishing as an alternative to the traditional print publishing industry. RWW participant Stanislav Fritz (2013) provides us with some timely advice on this topic in EBook Publishing—Good News and Bad News. Lastly, in this issue’s Profile, Katrina Hays (2010) introduces the RWW community to an exciting new addition to our faculty with her interview of fiction writer, John Holman.
See everyone in August and, until then, happy trails!
Sidney B.